Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ketchup and Mustard by Aimee Gagnon

I tried to get the form of the poem to translate into the format of the blog, but this was the best I could get. I just hope that the form still works with the poem.

Ketchup and Mustard

sandwiches or raw
Ball Parks: Lunch of choice

Pushing, shoving, biting.
Until sneaking
into your trundle
bed. Purple T-Rex
and yellow long
neck covering our

You get teased
I tag along, playing
soccer with the boys
slip on slides off
soaring across the yard
before foot makes

Home run
champ and star catcher.
Batting fourth in line
up, first drafted each year
Softball career
consists of pulling
weeds and hitting two

doubles. Videotaping
your football games:
a testimonial
of accomplishments.
absent from
stands at my swim meets.
Ranked top ten in
class, member of NHS.
boasted thirtieth
percentile, working
for $6.50 to buy
my first car.
receive the beige Nissan
Quest and made college
a five year plan.
Finishing in four,
will attend grad school
In order to receive
half your salary.
Posses a two thousand
dollar plasma TV,
Part of a two year
through life with
indifference and ease.


Blogger Cat said...

Aimee, I really like the "columns" in your poem - it really helps with the separation you create!

7:10 AM  

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