Friday, May 04, 2007

Jeremy Shulkin: In Our Remodeled Home

This is an imitation of a poem by Rachel Zucker, from her book "Eating in the Underworld." This version has strayed a little from the original poem's format, but the line "Some call it love, some obligation" comes directly out of Zucker's writing. My poem tries to stay consistant with the original, focusing on a relationship between two people.

In Our Remodeled Home

An island erupts in the middle of a once modest kitchen
new tiled floors already scored by pebbles, dropped knives

Some call it love, some obligation
both perhaps, but I never obliged

Busy and bus-boyish I serve silverware
empty plates, spoons cupping excuses

I believe if I cut onions, she will cry
and the oven, is well, an oven
(and much too much for me)

The TV flickers enough like pilot lights
that withstand wind from late work phone calls


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